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Child Marriage and Adolescent Pregnancies in Malawi

Optimising Therapeutic Foods for Neurocognitive Development in Malnourished Children

Human Reservoirs and behaviours fueling trypanasoma brucei rhodesiense transmission in Malawi

Adversities, Health and Resilience in Early Adulthood: An intergenerational, Low Income Country Study

Agreement to assess the risk of pre-defined adverse events of special interest (AESI) following COVID-19 Vaccination

Strengthening Cross-Country Partnerships to Advance and Enhance Research in Social Innovation in Health in Africa Malawi and Rwanda.

Exploring approaches to sustain ad scale ultrasound scanning during early pregnancy to improve the quality of antenatal care in Malawi

Neurocognitive Development of HIV-exposed and uninfected infants in Malawi

Malaria Vaccine Implementation Pilot

Malaria Vaccine Implementation Pilot

Assessing Barriers to optimize vaccine uptake for school aged children and adolescents in Malawi

Clinical Trial to Evaluate Intermittent Screening and Treatment with High Sensitivity Rapid Diagnstic Tests and Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Asymptomatic School Children to decrease…

Effectiveness and Implementation of a Rheumatic Heart Disease Education and Package in Malawi

Malaria Transmission blocking through mosquito contact with treated surfaces

Characterising malaria vector competence among natural populations of Anopheles

The East-South Africa Anopheles funestus Consortium, Building the capacity of An.entomological

Pharmacovigilance Training Implementation Project

Implementation models for cervical cancer prevention and breast cancer detection in Malawi

Revisioning Emergency Obstetric and New Born Care for Quality of Care and Accountability

Surveillance, insecticide resistance and genomic diversity studies in Malawi Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

Stress-Malawi Strengthening Resilience against Sleeping Sickness Malawi

Intergration of the Maternal Near Miss Case eviews into the pre-existing Maternal Death Surveillance and Response in Malawi: Learning with three hospitals

validation of a Low-Cost Point of Care Bilirubin Measurement to Diagnose Neonatal Jaundice and Monitor Phototherapy in Sub-Saharani Africa

Strengthening Implementation of National Action Plans by estimating the Full Economic burden of AMR accross all ONE Health Settings

Institutionalisation of Advanced Research Training in Africa

Building Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases and Disorders Late-Stage Translation Phase 4 Research Capacity in Malawi

The Malawi NCD Brite Consortium: Building Capacity, Implementation, and Translation Expertise for Communicable Diseases

Surving an Ependemic : Families and Well Being

Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for the Chemoprevention of Malaria in Children with

Sickle Cell Anaemia in eastern and southern Africa (GLOBVAC)

Feed the Future innovation Lab – Malawi 2 Off Campus

Catalysing Artificial Inteligence for Paediatric Tuberclosis Research

Harnessing the potentail of traditional medicine in health for socioeconomic transformation in Eastern Africa

Strenghtening Capacity For Epidemics Preparedness And Response In Sub-Saharan Africa

Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health – “Building the Global Field of Early Childhood Development: Caregiver Mental Health

Scotland-Malawi Psychiatry Capacity Development

Wellcome Trust Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science (DELTAS) Africa Initiative: AMARI: African Mental Health Research Initiative

Feasibility study of Group B Streptococcus prevention

Generation Malawi: A study of family, maternal and childhood mental health

Building Capacity in TB Research, Diagnostics and Epidemeology within the College of Medicine, Helse Nord TB Initiative

Analysis of an emerging multi-drug resistant non-typhoidal Salmonella Typhrimurium in Blantyre, Malawi

Simplified Short Treatment for Tuberculosis

AFunding Agency Contact Emaillying a community led total sanitation aFunding Agency Contact Emailroach to the probelem of Household Air Pollution in Africa

New Born Essential Solutions and Technologies Rice 360

Assessing the feasability, safety and effectiveness of offering same-day anti-retroviral therapy to persons with HIV and presumptive tuberculosis: A Collaborative multi-country research project

Understanding and eliminating health sector corruption impending UHC at district level in Nigeria and Malawi: Institutions, individuals and incentives

Risk Elimination on Walks to School

Global evidence, local adaption : Enhancing evidence informed guideline recomendations for newborn and young child health in three countries in Sub- Saharan Africa

A sustainable solar energy for the Blantyre – Blantyre Clinical Research Facility

Towards a Dental School for Malawi

Immunological outcomes to SARS-COV2 infection: A Blantyre-Blantyre real world comparison

FIFA Football Nurses

Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS)

Provision of Research and Capability Services

Malawian Program for Mental Health Research Training (WARMHEART)

Thanzi La Mawa: Intergrated Analysis of Health Systems Capabilities and Effects on Population Health in Malawi and Eastern, Central and Southern Africa

blanks) Strengthening Implementation of National Action Plans by estimating the Full Economic burden of AMR across all ONE Health settings

Skills for a vibrant economy

Routine imumunization of infants and children living in malaria endemic areas of sub- saharan frica

The Malaria Vaccine Pilot Evaluation: An evaluation of the cluster-randomised pilot implementation of RTS,S/AS01 through routine health systems in moderate to high malaria transmission settings in sub-Saharan Africa: a post authorization observational study.

The Impact of Pneumococcal and Malaria Vaccines On Bacterial Resistance, Febrile Illness and Antibiotic Usage in Young Children in Malawi.

Optimizing Therapeutic Foods for Neurocognitive Development in Malnourished Children

Tampere University Mother and Child Health Research Program

Lusaka Blantyre Blantyre Laboratory

An Innovative Monitoring system for PAediatrics in Low-resource settings: an Aid to save lives

An evaluation of the feasibility of self sampling for COVID 19 antigen tests among patients and health care workers in Malawi and Zimbabwe

Enabling enterotoxigenic E. coli vaccine introduction in Malawi using pathogen whole genome sequencing

Malawi Cancer Outcomes Research Program

Improving emotional economic and behavioural resilence to COVID-19 in African University students

Public Health Alliance for Genomic Epidemiology (PHA4GE)

Interrupting the transmission of soil-transmitted helminths (STH) in Malawi

Malawi HIV Implementation Research Scientist Training Program

Integrating a Neonatal Healthcare Package for Malawi

The Childhood Acute Illness and nutrition Network Project

Enhancing Blood Donation at Schools and Beyond : An Implementation Science Study

Frameworks and Analysis to ensure value for money health care – developing theory, changing practice

The Intrasigence of Malaria in Malawi: Understanding Hidden Reservoirs, Successful Vectors and Prevention Failures

Research Networks for Health Innovations in Su-Saharan Africa Funding Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Collaboration for Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health in Africa

Building Family Medicine 2017-2021

National Communicable Disease Center for Research Excellence

SuFunding Agency Contact Emailort and Training of Health Professionals

Data Utilisation and youth engagement to advance VYA

The Kusamala program: an intervention for primary caregivers of children hospitalized with severe acute malnutrition in Malawi

Malawi Critical Illness Prevalence & Outcomes Study

Surviving an Epidemic: Families and Wellbeing, Malawi 1998-2020

Adolescent Mental Health Focus Groups

Capacity Building for Health Profession Education and Research in Malawi

Antiflamatory effects of SP for intermittent preventive treatment

National Human Resources for Health (HRH) Strategic SuFunding Agency Contact Emailort, Advanced Health Care Worker Training, and Operationalization of a Local Laboratory External Quality Assurance System in Malawi

Implementation of an HPV-Screen-and-treat Strategy for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Malawi

The East-South Africa Anopheles funestus Consortium, Building the capacity of An. funestus entomological surveillance, insecticide resistance and genomic diversity studies in Malawi Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

Training HSAs on childhood illness management

The nutrition sector in Malawi has the capacity to coordinate evidence based equitable gender sensetive legislations and costed stategic plans for scalling up nutrition interventions by 2018

Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVeC)

Monitoring Durability of two long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), yorkool and royal sentry nets in kasungu and mangochi districts

Conduct Entomological Monitoring Services

The East-South Africa Anopheles funestus Consortium: Building the capacity for An. funestus

entomological surveillance, insecticide resistance and genomic diversity studies in Malawi, Kenya,

Uganda and Tanzania

Center for Child well being development

Innovative Management Practices to Enhance hospital quality and save lives in Malawi

The Impact of Pneumococcal and Malaria Vaccines on Bacterial Resistance , Fbrile Illness and Antibiotic Usage in Young Children In Malawi

Enhancing HIV assisted contact tracing in Malawi through blended learning: An Implementation Science Study

Countering the prevalence of substandard and falsified medicines in Malawi

The Task Force for Global Health Covid 19 Vaccine

Action Leveraging Evidence to Reduce perinatal mortality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa

MAP- care : Multimorbid Ageing Primary Palliative Care in Ghana, Malawi and Zimbabwe

Reducing childhood mortality through prevention of preterm birth mortality and morbidity stillbirth

Strengthening Health Systems Health through Primary Care Leaders Education

Consortium For Clinical Research Regulation and Ethics Capacity Development in the Eastern Africa Region (CCRREEA)

NIHR Global Health Research Group on Improving the Management of Acute Brain Infections at University of Liverpool

Understanding COVID-19 infections in pregnant women and their babies in Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, the Gambia and Mozambique

Decreasing Dehydration risk from diarrhea in kids in Malawi

Strenghtening Interprofessional Education for HIV

To train hgh level human resource that meets the development needs in the country and the international labour markets, sustatin production of high quality reserch and consultancy and dissemination of skills and compoetencies for the advancement of humanity.

Effectiveness for Martenal/Infant and HIV Prevention outcomes and contexual factors linked to implementation success in Malawi.

Implementing Simulation based education in Malawi and Tanzania

A Training Program to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Health in Malawi

Impact of radio Health on Members of radio listening clubs knowledge on Health Issues in Malawi

Building Stronger and More Resilient Health Systems

increase access, particularly for females to labour market relevant skills development programs in participating institutions targeting priority areas of the economy

first midwiferly led ward in Malawi to improve quality of clinical education and women centered practice at Limbe Health Centre

Paedriatic Critical care Nursing

Enancing evidence-based infant feeding policy implementation in Malawi

Collaboration in developing and providing the training programme capacity Building program for public health officials in martenal and child health funded by the swedish institute

Health Economics and Aids Research Division

Clinical Evaluation of Mycobactrium tuberclosis infection specific Host gene signature for tuberclosis diagnosis and treatment response monitoring

Intenational collaboration to implement and Evaluate at scale the Active Prevention and treatment of maternal Sepsis

Analysis and Reporting Partner for the Youth Excel (YE) Program’s Malawi Youth Landscape and Learning Platform (YLLP) Activity

Enhancing Blood Donation at Schools and Beyond: An Implementation Science Study

COVID-19 Vaccination Program SuFunding Agency Contact Emailort

Global Evidence, local adaptation : Enhancing eveidence informed guideline recommendations for newborn and young child health in three countries in Sub- Saharan Africa

Pychosis recovery orientation in malawi by improving services and engagement

Pilot of an intervention for Malawian Pregnant Women with HIV to Improve Depression. Viral SuFunding Agency Contact Emailression and Engagement of Partners in HIV Self – Testing

TotalEnergies Foundation – A Worldwide Project on ‘Road Safety Education -VIA Creative’

“NIHR Global Health Research Group on Interventions for Youth with Depression and Anxiety Disorders in African Countries”

African Association for Health professionals Education and research

Developing and Testing of a tool to assess healthworkers clinical confidence to provide perinatal bereavement care in subsaharan Africa

Equipment and Midwife ultrasound training Program

A criterion based Audit to assess and improve care of neonates with birth asphyxia at Balaka District Hospital

Project for Research on Vaccine Effectiveness

Revisioning the global emergency obsteric and newborn care framework and indicators: a qualitative study exploring Malawians’ recommendations for their improvement

Vibrant Economies for future generations

LumiraDX Platform Coagulation Screening Validation Study

Malawi HIV Implementation Research Scientist Training Program

Are dogs a reservoir for human African trypanosomiasis

Sequencing and Antigenic Cartography of Enteric Viruses

Enhancing improved quality of health and social welfare education through provision of scholarships to socio-economically disadvantaed nursing students

Blantyre Prevention Strategy – To operationalize a sustainable district level system that deploys nes and existing prevention technologies to accelerate the decline in HIV incidence in Blantyre, Malawi

Blantyre Prevention Strategy – District COVID -19 Response

Randomised controlled trial of groth effects of long-term complementary feeding of infants with different doses and formulations of high-energy, micronutrient fortified lipid-based nutrient suFunding Agency Contact Emaillements (LNS)

Formative Research to develop an intervention to improve timely blood access for obstertric patients with Post-Partum Hemorraghing (Funding Agency Contact EmailH)

Data Collection, Analytics and Reporting for the Youth Excel (YE) Program’s Malawi Youth Landscape and Learning Platform (YLLP)

Collaboration between Kamuzu University of Health Sciences and Anamed Malawi in Natural Products

Collaboration between Kamuzu University of Health Sciences and The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Access, equity and justice: A qualitative study exploring HIV positive men’s attitudes and perspectives of Option B+ at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital’s ART clinic

Sub-Saharn Africa Regional Partnership for Mental Health Capacity Building

Malawian Program for Mental Health Research Training

Interdisciplinary malaria research training in Malawi

Chitetezo: Improving adolescent road safety and reducing road traffic collisions’

Malawi HIV Implementaton Research Scientist Training Program

Adversities, Health and Resilience in Early Adulthood: An intergenerational, Low-income Country Study

Characterizing malaria vector competence among natural populations of Anopheles

A pragmatic trial with optimized dose of rifampicin and moxifloxacin for the treatment of drug susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis

NIHR global health research group on preterm birth and stillbirth

Implementation Models for cervical cancer prevention and breast cancer detection in Malawi

Strengtheing implementation of National Action Plans by estimating the full economic burden of AMR across all ONE Health settings

Project for Research on Vaccine Effectiveness

Pilot of an intervention for Malawian Pregnant Women with HIV to Improve Depression, Viral SuFunding Agency Contact Emailression and Engagement of Partners in HIV Self-Testing

HIV Engagement and Adolescent Depression SuFunding Agency Contact Emailort

EFGH Serologic Studies

Descriptive epidemiology of patients with heart failure in rural Malawi

Malawi’s Academic Development Needs Analysis

Healthnet: Closing the NCD Linkage-to-Care Gap for Older Persons in Low-Income Cointries

Systems biological assessment of vaccination-induced protective immunity in African children

A multiple arm, multiple stage (MAMS), Phase 2B/C, open label, randomised, controlled platform trial to evaluate experimental arms including and increased does of rifampcin, an optmised sose of pyrazinamised, moxifloxacin and sutezolid in adults with newly diagnosed drug sensitive smear positve pulmonary tuberclosis

Validation of a low cost point of care Bilirubin measurement to diagnosis Neonatal Jaundice and monitor photoherapy in hospitals in sub- saharan Africa

EquiFunding Agency Contact Emailing countries for evidence-based malaria intervention strategies

Community based Implementation model for HIV Prevention and testing in Malawi

Egg Consumption in Infants

Assessing the Reimbursement of Some Specific Surgical Procedures in African Countries

A multiple arm, multiple stage (MAMS), phase 2B/C, open label, randomized, controlled platform trial to evaluate experimental arms including an increased dose of pyrazinamide, moxifloxacin and sutezolid, in adult subjects with newly diagnosed, smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis

Catalysing Artificial Intelligience for peaditric Tuberclosis Research

Sequencing and Antigenic Cartography of Enteric Viruses (SAVEC)

Risk Elimination on Walks to School

NIHR Global Health Research Group on Gastrointestinal Infections: Facilitating the introduction and Evaluation of Vaccines for Enteric Diseases in children in Eastern and Southern sub saharan Africa

Goverining the Joint conduct of the clinical Trial

Assesment of Factors that influence effective coverage of postnatal care services in Malawi

AFunding Agency Contact Emaillied Research to Explore the Influence of Intersectional Stigma on Uptake and Retention in ART Programmes for Selected Key Population Griups in Three SADC Countries

USAID Vector Control Task Order 1

Entomological Activities to monitor vector bionomics of An. gambiae s.l. and An. funestus s.l, the main vectors in Malawi

Simplified Short treatment for Tuberclosis

A pragmatic trial with optimized dose of rifampicin and moxifloxacin for the treatment of drug susceptible pulmonary tuberculosis

Lusaka Blantyre Blantyre Laboratory

Anti inflammatory effects of SP for intermittent preventive treatment

DON in Paediatric Cerebral Malaria: A Phase I/II Dose-Escalation Safety Study

Multimorbidity associated emegency hospital admissions a screen and link strategy to improve outcomes for high risk patients in sub saharan Africa

An International Collaboration to implement and Evaluate at Scale the active prevention and treatment of Martenal Sepsis

Malaria Modeling Field Strengthening: ACoMVeC

optimideterminants of poor responsiveness to the booster dose of the RTS, S malaria Vaccine in African Chidren

Glucose and Electrolyte Balance in Pediatric Severe Illness

Heightening Institutonal Capacity for Government use of Health Research in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda

Leadership and Operations Center (LOC) AIDS Clinical Trials Group

The Impact, Feasibility, Acceptability and Cost Effectiveness of the RTS,S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine in School Aged Children

NIHR Global Health Research Group on Gastrointestinal Infestions: Facilitating the Introduction and Evaluation of Vaccines for Enteric Diseases in Children in Eastern and Soutern Sub-Saharan Africa

Risk of pre-defined adverse events of special interest/adverse events following immunization following COVID-19 vaccines

NIHR Global Health Research Group on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

Strengthening Cross country Partnership to advance and enhance research in social innovation in Health in Africa Malawi and Rwanda

Learning mobility for higher education students and staff

completed formative research to contexualize the study and inform refinement of tools and methods

Exploring the historical and cultural contexts of early childhood education for children with disabilities in Malawi

IKMC neurodevelopment (iKMC ND) study linked to a previous Agreement

Rectal Artesunate Information Education Communication Intervention Study

Lungwena Antenatal Intervention Study

A randomised, single blind, paralle group-controlled trial in rural Malawi, testing the health effects of suFunding Agency Contact Emaillementing maternal diet during pregnancy and lactatiuon and infant diet from 6 to 18 months of age with high-energy, micrnutrient fortified Lipid Nutrient SuFunding Agency Contact Emaillements

Developing Data Science Solutions to Mitigate the Health Impacts of Climate Change in Africa: the HE2AT Center

A randomised, controlled clinical trial of three foods for malnourished pregnant women in Malawi


Enhancing Nutrition Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning in the Health Sector

Development and testing of a tool to assess healthworkers’ clinical confidence to provide perinatal bereavement care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Expanding access to primary palliative care in sub-saharan Africa: methods, models and mechanisms

A pilot, open-label, single-center, interventional study to evacuate the effect of L-Glutamine on transcranial DoFunding Agency Contact Emailler (TCD) values in pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Disease

Malawi Research and Education Network (MAREN)

An Evaluation in Malawi of the cluster randomized RTS,S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine implementation pilot through routine health systems in moderate to high malaria transmission settings in sub saharan Africa

To Create a systematic review to answer the question

IKMC Neurodevelopment study

Advancing radiology and medical imaging in Malawi

Immediate Kangaroo Mother Care

research on the politics of access to sexual and reproductive health information and services for adolescents in Malawi

Postdoctoral Fellowship at Kamuzu University of Health Sciences

Training of Trainers for the utilisation and teaching of point of care ultrasound

Filming the unseen: building malaria out by addressing mosquito flight

Chemoprevention with monthly IPTp with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for malaria in HIV-infected pregnant participants on daily cotrimixazole in Kenya and Malawi: a multi-center placebo controlled trial

Deworm 3 project – Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

IMPROVE II: IPTp with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and azithromycin for malaria, sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections inHIV-infected prregnant women in Kenya and Malawi: a multi-center 2-arm placebo controlled trial

The Aids Clinical Trial Group Protocol Funds

Developing an economic framework and decision tool for scaling intergrated perinatal mental health and early childhood development interventions in low and middle income countries

Strengthening Implementation of National Action plans by estimating the full economic burden of AMR across all ONE health settings

Multimorbid Ageing Primary Palliative Care in Ghana , Malawi and Zimbabwe

Adversity, Aging and ADRD R isk among the global poor: Abiosocial Life course AFunding Agency Contact Emailroach

Synthesized Evidence and Knowledge from R4D Public Health Projects to Make a Difference in One Place

Strengthening capacity development for disease outbreak and epidemic response in sub-Saharan Africa Project,

Secondary household transmission of norovirus and implications for the indirect effects of pediatric

Enhancing HIV assisted contact tracing in Malawi through blended learning: An Implementation

Explore Effects of COVID-19 mitigation measures on demand for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Services in Malawi, Mozambique and Kenya

Evaluation of coverage and equity of same-day test and treat services (STAT) for the elimination of mother to child transmission of syphilis in Malawi

Impact of Malaria during pregnancy on infant health

Rheumatic Heart Disease mHealth Tracking Registry : An Innovative solution to RHD care and Treatment

Interdisciplinary malaria research training in Malawi

Health Cluster Response to Health Emergency Disaster-prone districts in Malawi

National distribution and Management of long lasting insectcide treated Nets to public health facilities in Malawi

MITS for lung pathology and immune response in fatal COVID-19 in Malawi

Leaders and Operations Center and Aids Clinical Trial Group

Biochemical characterization of people wth diabetes mellitus attending diabetes clinic at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi

Digital Innovations in Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage

Design Engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning and connection of Photovoltaic Power Station and a Storage System in Blantyre-Blantyre Research Facility

Human Resources for Safe Delivery

Acquisition of Services Agreement

Health Evaluation and AFunding Agency Contact Emaillied Research Development Project

Peace Corps Virtual Service Pilot

Electronic Promotion of Clinical Ultrasound Services

Multimorbidity-associated emergency hospital admissions: a ‘screen and link’ strategy to imrove outcomes for high-risk patients in sub-Saharan Africa

Conduct blood specimen collection and a technical evaluation of a prototype sensitive lateral flow assay

System biological assessment of vaccination induced protective immunity in Africa children


USAID Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development Project

adapting a point of use test card, the ChemoPAD, for protecting Chemotherapy drug quality in sub-saharan Africa

USAID Acceleration Development Against Pandemic Threats

Understanding and eliminating health sector corruption impending UHC at district level in Nigeria and Malawi: Institutions, individuals and incentives

Enabling enterotoxigenic E.coli vaccine introduction in Malawi using pathogens whole genome sequencing

Transcranial doppler ultrasonography clinical and research centres of excellence in sub-saharan africa

EAGER:ISN. Unravelling illicit supply chains with a citizen science approach

Treating brain swelling in pediatric celebrah malaria

Characterization of Male Sexual Partners of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Blantyre, Malawi

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

Mapping Ethical Dimensions of conducting community based agricultural-health and nutrition research in Malawi

Global Early Adolescent study

COVID Transmission and Morbidity in Malawi

Building Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Diseases and Disorders Late Stage Translation

African Association for Health Professions Education and Research

Intransigence of Malaria in Malawi: Understanding hidden reservoirs, successful vectors and prevention failures

Quality Improvement Capacity for Impact Project

Interrupting the Transmission of soil-transmitted helminths in Malawi

Gut Microbiota and Humane Malaria

Aligning facility leadership and climate to advance Mental Health services integration in Malawi

Real-Life impact of the management of Cold chain on Vaccine Induced Antibody Responses in Malawi


Malawi Cancer Outcomes Program

Kuzama pa Kalondolondo